Collaborating / Coordinating / Workplace

Summer Youth Service

Youth being of service, taking pride in the collective accomplishment.

Youth being of service, taking pride in the collective accomplishment.

Summer’s here and for many, it means that school is out. Right now, there are a lot of youth who are available to engage in service to their communities. Yes, we often go on vacation during this time, but it is prime opportunity to work intensively with a potent, potential force in society.

I’m not talking about “the Millennials” specifically, though right now, they happen to be of the right age. There are always youth among us, and given the right opportunities, they can make a significant impact. They can start projects, raise awareness, and engage in actions which create the conditions of our present and future.

Around the world, 114 conferences are being held this summer to help youth take their place at the forefront of community development and social action. Indeed, this cadre has a huge amount of energy, idealism, and passion to lend their contributions to bettering the community. While I’m not a youth anymore, it’s up to me and my fellows to support these youth. We can provide training, awareness of social issues, financial and moral support, and generally accompany the youth as they develop their skills.

If you can only mentor one youth, then take her under wing and work with her to coordinate an event. If you can work with several youth, then help them become a mutually supportive team, capable of accomplishing activities of increasing complexity.

The time will come when life bestows increasing responsibilities upon our youth. The best way we can support them is to tap their innate drive to be of service and accompany them into the arena.


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